How to Jailbreak an iPhone Without Computer

How to Jailbreak an iPhone Without Computer

Jailbreaking an iPhone is a process that allows users to remove the limitations imposed by Apple on their devices. It gives users the freedom to install third-party apps, customize their device’s appearance, and access features that are not available on a non-jailbroken iPhone. While jailbreaking used to require a computer, there are now ways to jailbreak an iPhone without one. In this article, we will discuss how to jailbreak an iPhone without a computer.

 Understand the Risks of Jailbreaking

Before you start the jailbreaking process, it’s important to understand the risks involved. Jailbreaking your iPhone can void your warranty, and if something goes wrong during the process, it can cause permanent damage to your device. Additionally, jailbreaking can make your iPhone more vulnerable to security threats and malware. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of jailbreaking before proceeding.

 Check Your iPhone’s Compatibility

Not all iPhones can be jailbroken without a computer. You need to make sure that your iPhone is compatible with the jailbreak method you plan to use. Check the version of iOS running on your device and compare it with the list of supported versions for the jailbreak tool you want to use. If your iPhone is running an unsupported version of iOS, you may need to update or downgrade your device before proceeding.

 Use a Jailbreak App

One of the easiest ways to jailbreak an iPhone without a computer is to use a jailbreak app. These apps can be downloaded directly from the App Store and do not require any additional software or tools. Some popular jailbreak apps include Unc0ver, Chimera, and Checkra1n.

To use a jailbreak app, simply download and install it on your iPhone. Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to jailbreak your device. The process may take a few minutes, and your iPhone may restart several times during the process. Once the jailbreak is complete, you will have access to Cydia, a third-party app store that allows you to download and install jailbreak tweaks and apps.

 Use a Web-Based Jailbreak Tool

Another way to jailbreak an iPhone without a computer is to use a web-based jailbreak tool. These tools use vulnerabilities in iOS to install a jailbreak on your device without the need for a computer. Some popular web-based jailbreak tools include JailbreakMe, TaigOne, and TweakMo.

To use a web-based jailbreak tool, simply visit the website on your iPhone’s Safari browser and follow the on-screen instructions. The process may take a few minutes, and your iPhone may restart several times during the process. Once the jailbreak is complete, you will have access to Cydia, a third-party app store that allows you to download and install jailbreak tweaks and apps.


Jailbreaking an iPhone without a computer is a convenient way to remove the limitations imposed by Apple on your device. However, it’s important to understand the risks involved and weigh the pros and cons before proceeding. If you decide to jailbreak your iPhone, make sure to check your device’s compatibility and use a trusted jailbreak app or web-based tool. With the right tools and precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of a jailbroken iPhone without the need for a computer.


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